What is Tuina (Chinese Massage) therapy and how does it work?
Tuina, aka, Chinese Massage Therapy has been used in China for over 2,000 years. It is also based on the traditional Chinese medical theory that the smooth flow of Qi through the meridians is crucial for one’s health. Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques, Tuina aims to establish a harmonious flow of Qi throughout the body energy channels, and allow the body to heal itself naturally.
Tuina methods include the use of hand techniques to massage the soft tissues of the body, the use of acupressure techniques to directly affect the flow of Qi, and the manipulation techniques to realign the musculo-skeleton and ligaments.
Is Chinese massage safe?
The procedure is painless, safe and free from side effects. After treatment patient usually feels relaxed but energized. Tuina is not especially useful for those seeking a mild and sedating massage since it tends to be more task focused than other types of bodywork. Contraindications include infections, conditions involving fractures, phlebitis, open wounds, and other lesions.
What diseases are treated with Chinese massage?
Chinese massage is often used for specific musculoskeletal disorders and chronic stress-related disorders of the digestive, respiratory, nervous and reproductive systems. Examples of gynaecological conditions that Tuina can help are: Infertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, Irregular Menstruation, Painful Menstruation, etc. We also provide the following specialized services:
Pregnancy Massage
To relieve symptoms such as Lower Back Pain, Calf Cramps, Sciatic Pain, Headaches, Swelling legs, etc. as well as to improve circulation and promote relaxation.
Post-Partum Massage
To relieve symptoms such as Lower back pain, Calf cramps, Sciatic pain, Headache, Depression, Stress, Constipation, Indigestion, Bloated, etc.
To help you adjust more easily to the many changes in your body and the demands of your new life.
What happens during a Chinese massage session?
In a typical session, the patient, wearing loose clothing and no shoes, lies on a bed or sits on a chair. The practitioner examines the specific problems of the patient and begins to apply a specific treatment technique. The major focus of application is upon specific pain sites, acupressure points, energy meridians, muscles, and joints. External herbal liniments, salves, poultices, and compresses may also be used to enhance the therapeutic effects. The treatment is often used in conjunction with acupuncture and/or cupping to maximize the therapeutic effect. A session lasts from 45 to 60 minutes.